HR Services and Legal Consulting

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HR Services

  • HR Audit
  • Drafting HR documents
  • HR Consulting
  • Outsourced health and safety management


Legal Consulting

  • Contracts and Corporate
  • Labor and Employment
  • Consumer protection
  • Legal assistance in starting up a  company
  • Debt collection
  • Family law issues

Clients and Partners


About us

Moraru Olga
Administrator,  Jurist

After completing Bachelors and Masters studies in Law, Olga Moraru, the founder of MoreLegal, acquired her first professional experience working as a court officer for more than five years. As part of her ongoing education, Olga became a certified mediator in 2014, actively participating in both national and international training sessions, seminars and conferences on human rights, environmental protection, data privacy and protection, mediation, and human resources.
For the past twelve years Olga, has maximized her knowledge gaining extensive experience and utilizing her full potential as a lawyer and human resources specialist.
Personal and individual interaction with people in matters that affect their daily lives and the development of a prosperous business, motivated Olga to set herself as an independent legal consultant, a decision that never ceased to bring her immense job satisfaction.
For Olga, the key to success is individual, prompt customer consultation and identifying business development opportunities in competitive conditions, as well as selective and discerning recruitment of experienced and qualified personnel.
Olga can communicate effectively at business level in Romanian, Russian and English, being able to maintain a basic conversation in French, Spanish and Portuguese.

Education and certification

  • Diploma degree – Faculty of law, Speciality law, specification Economic law, University of European Studies of Moldova
  • Master degree, Civil Law speciality, State university of Moldova
  • Induction course for Mediation, Mediator, Free International University of Moldova
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we help you

« I really like to give my knowledge and support to those who need it. A legal consultant is not only a professional but also a good friend, who knows how to listen to the needs and fears of his clients. »
Olga Moraru

Agroforţa-M SRL

Suntem o companie care prestează servicii performante în agricultură. În urma unei analize mai aprofundate a pieţei, am decis să apelăm la serviciile MoreLegal. Acest fapt ne oferă posibilitatea reducerii cheltuielilor salariale şi ne permite completarea echipei cu alţi specialişti cheie în activitatea noastră.



D.M.C. Construction SRL

Suntem foarte mulţumiţi de colaborarea cu compania de consultanţă, apelăm la serviciile lor cu încredere.

ÎI Chiriac Alisa

Мы ценим оперативность и объективность, которую они проявляют, когда в нашей деятельности возникают проблемы. Поскольку мы работаем в сфере обслуживания, иногда возникают недоразумения или конфликты, которые мы каждый раз легко решаем с помощью юридической поддержки. Ведение ресторанного бизнеса – дело непростое, поэтому нам нужен надёжный юрист, к которому мы могли бы обращаться настолько часто, насколько это необходимо.

Smart Lab SRL

In 2018 am beneficiat de toata gama de servicii HR de la MoreLegal, incepand cu contractele angajatilor pana la fisele personale si rapoartele catre inspectia muncii, fiind extrem de multumiti. Rapid si profesional, recomandam cu incredere.




Probele – 2021

Pe lângă o motivare întemeiată, probele pe care le anexăm și pe care ne întemeiem motivarea cererii, reprezintă un factor decisiv pentru succesul cererii înaintate.…

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